CRADLE's Sleep Package

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COMPLIMENTARY FILM: Before we begin… please turn your volume up and enjoy this free relaxation trailer whilst you continue scrolling through our listing.

ATTENTION: Struggling to sleep or ‘switch off’, always waking up tired, consistently demotivated or struggling for energy…?

Steal our complete RELAXATION + SLEEP package - a digitised version of our Amazon ‘Best Seller’ sleep product that’s already successfully served hundreds of individuals and families struggling every night

WARNING: You need to physically do something to change your habits. If you think just reading about sleep will fix your problems, you're doomed to repeat your routine of sleepless nights and exhausted days...

❓ Can you relate?

  • Why can't I fall asleep? I really need to rest.
  • What if I never fall asleep again? This is becoming a pattern.
  • I should stop looking at my phone - the blue light might be affecting my sleep.
  • I wonder if I'm getting enough sleep overall. It feels like I'm always tired.
  • I hope this isn't a sign of a bigger health problem.
  • I wish I could switch off my brain and stop these racing thoughts.
  • If I don't fall asleep soon, I'll be exhausted at work tomorrow. 

If you’ve been nodding your head to any of these statements then this may be the most helpful link you’ve ever clicked on.

Firstly, you are not alone.

Half of us struggle to sleep at some point in our lives, and a staggering 1 in 3 suffer from prolonged insomnia. But it doesn't have to be this way. 

Today you'll discover new proven methods to get into bed in the correct relaxed mindset, and to experience the good-quality sleep you deserve.

Why other “sleep guides” don't work for you

Most sleep programs don’t get you results because you’re different - you’re unique. But once you have our collection of different relaxation options at your disposal, you’ll be able to tailor these options to suit your own personal preferences.

People who read a book about sleep and then expect that to completely change their sleep quality are missing out ONE KEY STEP…

You need to make a change to your routine to experience a different outcome. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep experiencing what you’ve always experienced.

  • Unchanged daily routine = same old outcome / poor sleep every night


  • Daily routine + [insert new sleep-benefiting activity] = new improved outcome / restful and relaxing sleep

Below you’ll discover the many different options for better relaxation that make up this sleep package. Only by knowing the options can you then pick-n-mix them to suit your wants and needs.

💬 Who is this for?

INSOMNIACS: People who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.

STRESS-PRONE INDIVIDUALS: People who experience high levels of stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact their sleep.

BUSY PROFESSIONALS: Individuals with hectic schedules who need help establishing a relaxing bedtime routine and improving their sleep habits.

STUDENTS: College students or high school students facing stress and erratic sleep schedules due to academic pressure.

PARENTS WITH YOUNG CHILDREN: Parents who need strategies to improve their sleep despite interrupted nights from tending to their children.

SHIFT WORKERS: People who work irregular hours, such as night shifts, and struggle to establish a consistent sleep pattern.

TRAVELLERS: Jet-lagged individuals seeking ways to adjust their sleep schedule after long flights or travel across different time zones.

OLDER ADULTS: Seniors who may experience changes in sleep patterns as they age and need assistance in maintaining restful sleep.

ANYONE: Individuals looking to unwind, relax, and create a peaceful bedtime routine to enhance their quality of life.

 Sleep is something literally every single one of us needs - EVERY day.

Our Amazon ‘Best Seller’ & ‘Amazon’s Choice’ white noise machine sleep product has been upgraded into a new digital RELAXATION + SLEEP package offering a LIFETIME OF HEALTH BENEFITS

Owing to our supplier’s increased material, labour, manufacturing and shipping costs, as well as Amazon’s ever rising storage, delivery, admin and advertising costs, we were forced to suspend sales of our popular Amazon’s Choice and Amazon’s Best Seller product - we refused to raise our prices. Everyone deserves access to healthy sleep. 

More concerning was the huge carbon footprint our products racked up as they crossed the planet. It really didn’t sit right with us.

We aspired to upgrade our product and make it as eco as possible.

👎 We were devasted after having worked so hard to create such a popular product.

👍 BUT, our customers loved it…

(scroll down for more reviews)

💡 So we thought:

✔️ Can we take on board our customers’ feedback?

✔️ Can we completely digitise this product into a larger package with a much greater worth for our customers?

✔️ Can we make it instantly deliverable to help as many customers as possible asap?

✔️ Can we make the entire process eco-friendly and reduce our carbon footprint to zero?

I think we’ve nailed it!


Breaking a task down into smaller chunks is incredibly useful:

 💪 OVERCOMING ‘OVERWHELM’: Makes them feel more manageable and less daunting.

🧠 INCREASED FOCUS + CLARITY: Concentrate on one specific aspect at a time, helping you maintain focus.

🏆 SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: Completing each smaller task gives you a sense of achievement, which will motivate you to keep going.

✏️ EASIER PLANNING + ORGANISATION: When a task is broken down, it becomes easier to schedule each part.

👍 PROBLEM SOLVING: When you encounter challenges in a task, breaking it down helps you pinpoint the specific areas that need troubleshooting.

CONTINUOUS PROGRESS: Even if you can't complete the entire task at once, working on smaller chunks allows for continuous progress.

Overall, employing THE WAVE METHOD when undertaking your new relaxation and sleep routine allows for your overall aim (of good quality sleep and waking up feeling refreshed and energised) to be broken down into more manageable chunks. This powerful strategy will enhance your productivity, reduce stress, and ensure you achieve better results more consistently.

Let’s run through what you’ll be getting as an instant download:


✅ An e-book about the science of sleep, its benefits, and the potential consequences of poor sleep.

✅ Practical tips and strategies to improve your sleep habits, establish a consistent sleep schedule, and create a beneficial sleep environment.

✅ Want more info on specific sleep issues? This book also addresses insomnia, sleep disturbances, and sleep-related disorders - offering solutions to these problems, and providing guidance on when to potentially seek professional help.


✅ A day planner outlining what activities to avoid close to bedtime can raise awareness about the habits that might be contributing to your sleep difficulties.

✅ Increase your awareness, align your circadian rhythm, lower your blue light exposure, and reduce your overall stress levels as you begin to swap in the day planner’s guidance to your daily routine.

✅ Accountability is a key part of creating a routine. Having a visual reminder of when to avoid certain activities helps you develop consistent habits that will lead to long-term improvements in your sleep, which can have positive effects on your overall health and well-being too.


✅ A daily sleep journal helps you identify patterns in your sleep habits, making it easier to pinpoint potential triggers for sleep difficulties. It also provides a complete view of your day; drawing connections between your activities and emotions.

✅ A monthly sleep tracker allows you to visualise trends and fluctuations in your sleep pattern. Over time, the tracker will display how your efforts to improve your sleep are paying off, motivating you to continue.

✅ For those seeking medical advice, your journal and tracker could serve as valuable tools to share with healthcare professionals. Whereas the rest of your sleep package’s contents offer methods to relax, these templates provide real-life data on your personal sleep progress.


✅ This recipe book provides a variety of soothing drink options to help you replace caffeinated or sugary beverages with healthier choices that support sleep without compromising their health.

✅ Enjoy a warm or cold sleep-inducing drink as part of a nightly routine. This will signal to your body that it's time to wind down, creating a calming bedtime ritual. Preparing and sipping a homemade drink will also encourage mindfulness, helping you shift your focus away from stressful thoughts and towards relaxation.

✅ You may prefer to explore natural remedies before turning to medication for your sleep problems. These recipes offer a non-invasive approach to improving sleep quality, as well as explaining the properties of various ingredients - helping you make informed choices about what you consume.


✅ These films offer a gentle distraction from racing thoughts, worries, and stressors that might be keeping you awake, redirecting your focus to the calming and soothing video content. Note: Unlike the free video trailer above, your purchased films will be unwatermarked, so the footage will be easier to view and enjoy.

✅ Nature sounds and gentle music can create a form of white noise that helps drown out background disturbances and promote a more peaceful sleep environment. Visual and auditory patterns in the films mimic the calming effects of meditation, slowing down your mental activity and encouraging a sense of tranquillity.

✅ Repeatedly using these films as part of your bedtime routine will create positive associations with sleep, making it easier to wind down in the future. Both packages contain a selection of films, allowing you to choose content that resonates with your personal preferences.


✅ The combination of nature sounds and white noise creates an ambient environment that can mask disruptive noises, providing a soothing backdrop for sleep. Nature sounds can have a calming and relaxing effect, helping to ease stress and anxiety that can interfere with sleep.

✅ Incorporating these audio clips into a nightly routine can signal to the body that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep, promoting a consistent sleep schedule. Playing audio clips doesn't involve screen use, mitigating the negative impact of blue light on your melatonin production.

✅ You can easily access and play these audio clips on your various devices, providing a convenient way to create a sleep-conducive environment. These soundscapes are particularly helpful when travelling, providing a familiar and soothing auditory backdrop.

So to recap…


These are entirely digital products - you will not receive anything physical.

✔️ SLEEP EBOOK: 54-page cited and referenced document with topics including sleep’s response to diet, exercise, anxiety, etc.

✔️ JOURNAL + TRACKER TEMPLATES: Record your daily progress via the sleep journal template, and monitor your monthly sleep fluctuations via the sleep tracker.

✔️ 10 SLEEP ENHANCING DRINK RECIPES: 46-page document with easy-to-follow instructions for each drink - including 5 cold and 5 warm recipes, and the nutritional information for all 28+ ingredients.

✔️ 2 RELAXATION FILMS: 10+ minute audio-visual films with soundscapes - including Beaches, Oceans, Woodlands and Waterfalls.

✔️ 4 SOOTHING SOUNDSCAPES: 30-minute non-looping audio-tracks - including Birdsong, Fire, Ocean Waves and White Noise.

Everything in ‘NAP’, plus:

✔️ DAY PLANNER: Timeline of daily actions with guidance on when to perform each activity before bed.

✔️ EXTRA 10 SLEEP ENHANCING DRINK RECIPES - 20 IN TOTAL: 66-page document with easy-to-follow instructions for each drink - including 10 cold and 10 warm recipes, and the nutritional information for all 28+ ingredients.

✔️ EXTRA 4 RELAXATION FILMS - 6 IN TOTAL: 15+ minute audio-visual films with soundscapes - including Oceans, Sunsets, People, Woodlands and Wildlife.

✔️ EXTRA 8 SOOTHING SOUNDSCAPES - 12 IN TOTAL: 30-minute non-looping audio-tracks - including Birdsong, Fire, Whale Song, Rain and White Noise.

🎓 Here are some of the secrets you'll learn inside:

Education and Insights - Knowledge about sleep, helping you understand its importance, factors affecting it, and effective strategies to improve sleep quality.

Holistic Approach - Track your sleep patterns and identify potential triggers for sleep issues.

Guided Routine - Optimise your daily routine with designated times for caffeine consumption and other activities.

Natural Relaxation - Immerse yourself in a collection of calming audio clips featuring nature sounds, instantly creating a soothing environment that promotes relaxation.

Mindful Hydration - Drink recipes containing ingredients scientifically proven to aid sleep and relaxation, giving you a delicious way to stay hydrated.

Soothing Visuals - Be transported to serene landscapes, with calming soundscapes and gentle visuals that guide your mind towards a peaceful state.

Personalised Insights - Identify patterns in your sleep duration, helping you tailor your routines and lifestyle choices.

Stress Reduction - Reflect on your emotional well-being, promoting mindfulness and balance.

Enhanced Relaxation - This package combines science-backed insights, relaxation techniques, and practical tools to help you create an environment that encourages deep relaxation and quality sleep.

Tailored Solutions - With a variety of tools at your disposal, you can customise your approach to relaxation and sleep improvement, finding what works best for your unique needs.

Long-term Results - By integrating these tools into your daily routine, you'll not only enjoy immediate benefits, but also establish habits that lead to sustained improvements in sleep quality.

Empowerment and Control - Our package empowers you with knowledge, techniques, and resources, putting you in control of your sleep journey.

 And so much more...

Stop thinking about improving your sleep and actually make a change. The fact you’ve ventured this far proves deep down that you genuinely want to make a difference.

 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Get INSTANT access to what was an Amazon best-selling 5* product - even before we made all these add-ons and upgrades!  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Still not convinced?

We’re so certain that this collection of tools will help you to relax, identify areas of your daily routine you should adapt, and reward your own success with soothing sounds, tranquil videos and enjoyable drinks, that we’re offering a lifetime satisfaction handshake guarantee.

But work with us on this…

You must put the effort in yourself.

If you download and read all the information but don’t actively adjust your routine to promote a more relaxed mindset and environment, or don’t try out the drink recipes, or perhaps listen to the audio clips once, in a busy location, and claim it’s all nonsense, then you haven’t given yourself a fair chance.

If you don’t make a change, you won’t experience anything new!

Start gradually. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Sleep wasn’t conquered in a night.

Our WAVE METHOD is focused on breaking a task down into smaller activities - making it easier and more manageable.

Waves can be BIG enough to surf down, or SMALL like a ripple.

Begin with a ripple:

✔️ Read a few pages of your e-book during breakfast.

✔️ Watch a relaxing film over lunch to unwind (after that meeting that should have been an email!)

✔️ Listen to a soothing soundscape on the train home.

Then gradually grow to a wave:

✔️ Develop a consistent routine with the full knowledge of sleep’s importance.

✔️ Pin your planner to the fridge or noticeboard to stay consistent.

✔️ Determine which soundscapes and films have the most relaxing impact on you, and bookmark them for quick access across your devices.

✔️ Write a few lines in your journal, and circle how long you slept on your monthly tracker (for long-term monitoring).

✔️ Brew or blend a tasty drink as an evening treat before bed, learn the nutritional benefit behind ‘sleep’ ingredients, and begin to incorporate them into your own personal drink recipes.

Make sense?

There is… No Hassle. No Gimmicks. No Tricks.

Your investment into CRADLE’s sleep package is an investment in your own health, and your own future. Sleep is everything.

You have nothing to lose.

We wouldn’t dare offer this unless we were certain (and had already received many reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers) that these tools will work for you. 

Think your sleep is worth less than what we’re suggesting? Here's what costs more:

🧡 Chronic Sleep Deprivation - Linked to a range of health issues, including cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, weakened immune system, and an increased risk of certain cancers.

🧠 Cognitive Impairment - Difficulties in concentration, reduced cognitive function and impaired decision-making abilities.

😵 Mood Disorders - Poor sleep can worsen depression and anxiety, making it harder to manage emotions.

😴 Reduced Productivity - Sleep-deprived individuals experience reduced performance, lower productivity, and difficulties in staying focused on tasks.

🤕 Accidents and Errors - Sleepiness increases the risk of accidents, impairs reaction times and increases the likelihood of errors.

🤒 Weakened Immune System - Sleep deprivation weakens the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

🍽️ Weight Gain - Hormonal changes can lead to increased appetite, overeating, and weight gain, contributing to obesity-related health issues.

🤍 Heart Health - Sleep problems contribute to hypertension (high blood pressure), increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

😒 Reduced Quality of Life - Consistently poor sleep will negatively impact your overall quality of life, leading to decreased enjoyment of daily activities and reduced vitality.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Relationship Strain - Sleep disturbances can lead to irritability, mood swings, and communication difficulties, which strain relationships with family and friends.

Mental Health - Sleep problems exacerbate existing mental health conditions and increase the risk of developing disorders like insomnia, which can create a cycle of worsening sleep and mental health.

Prioritising good sleep is essential for maintaining physical health, mental well-being, cognitive function, and overall quality of life. Addressing sleep issues and adopting healthy sleep habits will have profoundly positive effects on various aspects of your life.

Our DEEP SLUMBER package costs LESS than 18 coffees!

Think about it…

Would you rather unlock the secrets to better sleep with a range of tools offering a lifetime of health benefits, or buy 18 more coffees?!

You have 2 options: 

OPTION 1: Do nothing.

Stay tired every day, keep scrolling for hours in bed wondering why your brain just won’t switch off, and remain in a cycle of exhausting days and wide-awake nights.



Take matters into your own hands, and get access to an evergreen vault of knowledge - discover how to fix your broken sleep routine, prioritise your wellbeing and maximise the potential of each day.

We’ve helped hundreds of valued customers prioritise their sleep and overall health, and heard how much it’s changed their lives for the better. We know which option we’d choose...

Whether you like it or not, you'll meet people who just appear to be getting along easier in life than you are. There is an element of luck in life let’s be honest. And success generally comes from hard work and perseverance. But those people are probably achieving far better-quality sleep than you on a regular basis - enabling them to accomplish more each day. A great day begins the night before. 

We spend approx. one-third of our lives in bed…

Make sure you spend it wisely! 

👉 Click I want this! and begin prioritising your sleep, health and wellbeing… IMMEDIATELY.

Frequently Asked Questions | Make sure you're making the right decision:

Q: Is the content in the package suitable for all age groups and sleep-related issues?

A: Of course. We’re aware that any one at any age can experience sleep issues - be they caused by your lifestyle or even your physical surroundings. Younger users, for example, may require assistance when scrolling through the downloads to access the films or soundscapes, but there is nothing remotely explicit or rude in our packages. Likewise, for older users or those with partial sight, the digital downloads can all be viewed on screens, and can easily be zoomed in on for increased readability.

Q: Is the information in the sleep e-book based on scientific research and credible sources?

A: Yes - all sources are clearly cited throughout the document, and the e-book includes a complete list of references at the end.  

Q: How will the sleep journal and tracker help to improve my sleep?

A: A daily sleep journal helps you identify patterns in your sleep habits, making it easier to pinpoint potential triggers for your sleep difficulties. Recording your feelings on paper removes them from your mind, so you don’t go to bed with racing thoughts keeping you awake. The sleep tracker displays your nightly sleep amounts across a full month, thereby allowing you to visualise trends and fluctuations in your sleep pattern. Both templates provide real-life data on your personal sleep progress - an invaluable resource if you ever need to relay the information to a healthcare professional.

Q: Are the calming soundscapes and relaxation films downloadable?

A: Yes! The entire package is downloadable upon receipt of payment. All text-based documents are provided in flatten PDF format for quick viewing or easy printing - with high-definition imagery and engaging content. All soundscapes are provided as high-quality MP3 files - easily downloadable across your devices for flexible listening. Finally, all relaxation films are supplied as MP4 video files - 2 versions of each in both high- and lower-resolution (depending on the device you wish to view them on).

Q: Are the recipes in the book easy to make, and how do they promote sleep?

A: Each recipe requires approx. 3-5 ingredients, but they are very common and fairly repetitive, so even if you have to purchase a new ingredient, it will be useful for a number of drink options. The recipes can usually be made as and when you want them, but a few work best if the flavours have been allowed to ‘gel’ together overnight. Each recipe contains a number of ingredients with sleep-inducing properties. Regardless of which package you choose, the recipe book ends with a detailed chapter of ingredient benefits, explaining how each is suited to promoting relaxation, calming your nervous system, promoting the production of sleep-inducing neurotransmitters, etc.

Q: How long are the relaxation films, and can I watch them on any device?

A: This depends on which package you opt for. If you purchase the ‘Nap’ package, you’ll only receive 2 films (Beaches + Forests). The duration of these videos ranges from 10-15+ minutes. However, if you purchase the complete ‘Deep Slumber’ package, you’ll receive all 6 films (Abstracts, Beaches, Gardens, People, Sunrises + Forests). The duration of these videos ranges from 7-15+ minutes. Regardless of package, all relaxation films are provided as high-quality MP4 video files - easily downloadable across your devices for flexible viewing.

Q: Do you offer refunds?

A: Owing to the instant receipt of these digital download products (following payment confirmation), we cannot provide refunds - all sales are final. If you purchase the ‘Nap’ package, but wish to switch to ‘Deep Slumber’ in the future, we cannot provide a refund for your initial purchase. However, we’ve worked very hard to ensure that the graphics and descriptions included in this listing accurately represent the digital downloads you’ll receive.

Q: Will I have lifetime access to the material?

A: Yes! Once you're in, you're in for life. Once you've downloaded your chosen package, you can consume the content on your phone, tablet, or PC - or even print it off to take a break from screens. Whenever you want, for however long you want.

You're one mouse click away from getting this proven to work life-changing toolkit. Most people will do nothing and remain in a cycle of exhaustion, anxiety, stress and frustration.

But not you - not this time... 

More reviews of CRADLE’s original Amazon ‘Best Seller’ & ‘Amazon’s Choice’ sleep product:

I want this!

No refunds

Thank you for your interest in purchasing our digital CRADLE Sleep Package. Before you make your purchase, we kindly ask that you carefully read our refund policy outlined below.

No Refunds
Due to the digital nature of this 'sleep toolkit', all sales are final. Once you have received the digital products, we are unable to offer refunds, exchanges or cancellations. By making a purchase, you agree to these terms.

Product Access
Upon successful payment, you will recieve your digital Sleep Package immediately. Please therefore ensure that the email address you provide during the purchase process is accurate.

Last updated Aug 14, 2023

Get immediate access to your:

Day Planner (only via 'Deep Slumber')
Sleep eBook
Journal + Tracker Templates
Relaxation Films
Soothing Soundscapes
Drink Recipes
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CRADLE's Sleep Package

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